Thursday, April 02, 2009


International Year of Astronomy is celebrating 100 Years of Astronomy from April 2 through April 5. Some of the events include:

April 2:
Science Centres Webcast starting at 2 p.m. CDT
Science centres around the world will discuss the importance of space observation throughout history

April 3
Around the World in 80 Telescopes...a unique live 24-hour webcast, following night and day around the globe to some of the most advanced observatories both on and off the planet.

April 4
24-hour Global Star Party, in which
Amateur astronomers, astronomy clubs and other groups should all set up telescopes in public places to allow as many people as possible to look through a telescope

April 5
Let the last day of 100 Hours be the Sun day, not just a Sunday... Let´s enjoy the Sunday, when everyone has free time and kids and adults can all enjoy the near but forgotten Sun and its wonders. Either get up early to start with a nice sunrise, go for a walk on the afternoon or enjoy a wonderful sunset.


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