Tuesday, April 05, 2005

POPE JOHN PAUL II, 1920-2005

The Elk Grove Village Library has over 15 biographies of Pope John Paul II--in the Biography section under JOH--(3 in Youth Services). However, most of them were written in the '70's and 80's. There are a few written more recently:

    John Paul II: A Pope for the People (2004)
    John Paul II: A Light for the World: Essays and Reflections on the Papacy of John Paul II (2003)
    John Paul: A Personal Portrait of the Pope and the Man (2001)
    Pope John Paul II: A Tribute[pictorial] (1999)
    Witness to Hope: the Biography of John Paul II (1999)

Some of the videos we have are recent, too:

The Life of Pope John Paul II (2005) DVD & VHS (Biography JOH)
Inside the Vatican (2002) DVD (945.634 NAT)
John Paul II: The Life of Karol Wojtyla (1998) VHS (Biography JOH)

There are more than 15 titles written BY John Paul II. Among the most recent are:

Rise, Let Us Be On Our Way (NEW 282.092 JOH)(2004)
An Invitation to Joy: Selections from the Writings and Speeches of His Holiness John Paul II (282.092 JOH) (1999)
Gift and Mystery: On the Fiftieth Anniversary of My Priestly Ordination (Biography JOH) (1996)


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